Every client that joins ABS on one of our personal training programmes will receive a personalised nutrition plan. The plan is an essential ingredient in helping each client achieve the body results they are aiming for.
The plans are not optional extras that clients can choose to adopt or not, rather they are an important part of the whole programme. This is because with a well-structured and balanced diet to compliment weekly training sessions, the end results will be far better.
Each nutrition plan is tailored for the client. We take a number of factors into consideration when constructing a client’s bespoke plan. This includes the clients food preferences, dietary needs, religious or ethical beliefs and of course we take into consideration the client’s biosignature results.
Our plans are made to be sustainable and should fit nicely around your day to generate the best results. Your plan could involve eating three to six times a day but again its tailored to the client and their aims.
Getting in shape is a chance to eat healthy, nutrient packed meals that will make you feel great and will give you a real boost. So what’s in our diet plan?
As you may have guessed – there’s protein! Protein is an important macronutrient and there will always be a focus in the diet to ensure you hit your optimal intake. Due to the increase in training, we want to keep and build as much muscle as possible, this is why protein intake needs to be high in the plan. (alternatives to meat and fish are found for clients that do not wish to eat them)
You can see in the infographic opposite that in a standard diet plan, the three main meals you eat a day will involve a protein
rich element. In the example beneath you can see an example day out of a weekly diet plan. This day includes a healthy serving of eggs, chicken and steak along with nutrient rich vegetables and healthy drink options. Expect a similar pattern to be repeated throughout the average week.
Carbs and Fats, the other two macronutrients, will vary from person to person in how heavily they feature in the diet plan. Some people function better off more fat and others off more carbs. We determine how much you need by your biosignature results.
In terms of drinks, we suggest a hot water and lemon drink in the mornings to ensure that your body is more ph neutral which is optimal for fat loss. Green tea is a good afternoon drink that contains fat loss properties. We would further advise that each client’s water intake is increased to help hydrate them through training but also because water is one of the most unappreciated health drinks out there. Drinking more water can increase your metabolism, keep your skin healthy and cleanses your body of toxins. Drink more of it, 2-3 litres a day if you can!
What about calories? The amount of calories we work into a diet plan will depend on your goal and extra supplementation is only used if necessary.As you can see we at ABS take our diet plans very seriously and a great amount of work is put in by our personal trainers to ensure that the plans ultimately help their clients achieve results.
For those of you who still want something to look forward to each week, we do allow you to have one cheat meal a week!