Do you like training early, before breakfast? Or do you hit the gym straight after lunch? You may be asking – when should I eat?
Eating before you train all depends on the person, plus take into consideration:
- What time you’re training
- How long you’ve been awake
- When you’re due another meal
- How you feel training on an empty stomach, compared with how you feel training after a meal
Everyone’s training routine is different
No one training routine is exactly the same, and people react differently.
For example, working out very early on an empty stomach won’t hurt you – and may actually help, depending on your goal. However, there’s many who can’t train on an empty stomach and need to eat a full meal 2-3 hours before to fuel the body with nutrients.
It’s also normal to eat a light pre-workout snack an hour before your session, for example, half an apple with nut butter.
Test and see what works for you
There’s no harm in trying out a couple of routines before you train.
You may find you perform just as well after having a light snack as you do after a full meal, it’s all about seeing what works for you.

personal training