THE DEADLIFT – If you’re looking for a full body workout in a single exercise look no further!
The deadlift is a titan of the compound exercises and there are many variants you can do to target specific muscle groups depending on your training goals.
All deadlifts variants work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, lats and traps to different degrees, depending on your set up and execution.
The “standard” set up with your chest up, spine neutral and hips down will target more quads if your knees are able to travel over your toes.
If not, and your hips are higher with your spine neutral then you’ll hit more glutes and hamstrings on the way up.
But that’s not to say either is easy!
Here, at ABS we tend to incorporate trap bar deadlift (as pictured) at the start of our clients workouts allowing them to lift heavier, push harder and achieve more!